Abb Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Suppliers

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Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Description

Find and buy variable speed drives from verified suppliers on IndustrySearch. A variable speed drive (VSD) is a device that controls the speed, acceleration and general operation of an electric motor.

Things to consider when buying variable speed drives:

  • Size your VSD - Your VSD should meet the motor’s voltage and horsepower rating, as well as maximum motor current at peak demand, to ensure reliable and long lasting operation.
  • Select constant or variable torque drive - For centrifugal applications such as a fan, a variable torque drive is more appropriate and energy efficient. For applications that require a constant level of torque at all speeds such as a conveyor, a constant torque drive can be used.
  • Choose your VSD’s capabilities - Choose a VSD that meets your application’s requirements, from a wide range of control options such as speed control, forward & reverse operation, soft start, ramp up, ramp down operation, overload rating and vector torque control.
  • Consider specialized application requirements - Specialized requirements include IP rating, auxiliary motor cooling for low speed motor operation, remote operation monitoring, braking chopper modules, harmonic mitigation for equipment protection, and more.

Contact our vendors for a free quote or expert advice on variable speed drives. Delivery available Australia wide.

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